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Mindset Coaching

Mindset Mentor Melbourne

ceo leadership coaching

We help entrepreneurs in Melbourne and across Australia to unlock their potential, live their best life and become the confident, capable person they truly are.


Are you stuck, unsure of what the next step forward is? Do you have a business or start-up idea that you want to see come to fruition?

Sometimes, all you need is a little guidance from a mindset mentor to find what’s been holding you back. Coaching programs like ours are intended to give you clarity around your purpose, goals (both personal and business-related), and a plan to get you there.

Whether you want to make more money, improve your relationships, or focus on something else, we can help you overcome the challenges of the entrepreneur life. If you feel that you’re ready to unlock your potential and create abundance for yourself, now is the time.

Your mindset is at the core of everything you are and everything you have the potential to be – it’s time that you took charge. CEO mindset mentoring coaching gives you the tools, the accountability, and the support you need to make a change.

Want to see how we can help you achieve your business and life goals? Call 1300663003 to book a free 45-minute strategy session with us today!

Growth VS Fixed Mindset

Carol Dweck, an American psychologist and mindset expert, writes that there are two types of mindsets: fixed and growth. If we have a fixed mindset, we view ourselves as immutable – we are who we are, and no amount of development can change this.

Not only is this approach severely limiting our personal growth, but it is incompatible with the life of an entrepreneur! If you want to start your own business or initiative and succeed, you need hire mindset coaches for entrepreneurs who will help you to constantly improve your skills, learn from the mistakes you make, and be ready to adapt to an ever-changing world.

Growth mindsets, on the other hand, view the self as evolving: the skill level you have now is simply a starting point and with a little bit of time and hard work, you can develop any area you choose. Those with this outlook don’t just stop with what they’re bad at; they look for opportunities to grow and improve, even with stuff they are already great with. This drive can be incredibly useful for self-employed individuals and business owners, pushing them forward.

CEO Mindset mentoring is a great tool you can use to shift your thinking patterns and embrace a mindset that helps you as a business owner. Our CEO mindset mentoring program for entrepreneurs is tailored to help you learn techniques for creating better habits that will support your success.

It isn’t an instant process – rewiring our brains and replacing our existing thought patterns with more helpful ones takes time. We usually like to see our clients for at least six months to ensure that you are getting the results you would like.

As successful entrepreneurs ourselves, we know the challenges involved in chasing your dreams. We’re happy to pass on the tips and tricks of the trade to help you on your journey, allowing you to avoid the common mistakes new business owners make and helping you to increase your productivity. Together, we will help you discover your ideal self and how to make your business the best it can be.

mindset mentor

Mindset Coach For Entrepreneurs


Sometimes we think we are going the right way, going after the right goals, but we are completely on the wrong track. Or maybe you’ve already identified exactly what you need to do, but can’t quite achieve it for some unknown reason. Whatever stage you are at, coaching can help create confidence and clarity around your approach.

Your mindset coaches for entrepreneurs will help you to recognize your existing thought patterns and work with you to create a new mindset that is compatible with your goals.

A coach provides you with a sense of support and accountability. As an entrepreneur, you are your own boss, but sometimes we need someone looking out for us who can give us the advice we need and a clear perspective on our life. When you have a mindset mentor, you are on this journey together.

Our mindset coaches for entrepreneurs have entrepreneurial experience and are certified to give you the tips and tools for success. We can help with a range of common challenges, including:

  • First steps
  • Work-life balance
  • Business planning, strategy and development
  • Confidence building
  • People management
  • And more!

Contact us

Want to find out more about our CEO mindset coaching? You can reach out to us on Facebook or our other social media, email or call us at 1300663003.

Ready to join the Tribe? Book a complimentary 45-minute executive coaching and team emotional intelligence training session with us today and we’ll go over our plan to help you create the life you’ve always wanted.

