CONNECT, INSPIRE and GROW Networking Lunch with a Twist

Calling like-minded individuals!
If you’re seeking to create a business
that not only makes good money
but also feels great to run
then we would LOVE to see you
at our next networking lunch
on May 18th.
So, what’s the twist?
Well, it’s about your business AND YOU.
Many of us still feel like there could be M O R E . . .
More to life,
more to love,
more to our business and
more to ourselves.
But how do we get THAT?
And what even is ‘THAT’?
In a nutshell ‘that’ is “Connection.”
It’s a core need in all of us
but it’s not always wholly met.
Even when there are friends around,
a partner to talk to
and kids and work to keep us on our toes
and engaged with life
we often still don’t feel connected.
InspireTribe connects people
more deeply to themselves
and then more deeply to their life.
Well, we stretch everyone’s thinking
to enable flexibility
and to encourage paradigm shifts.
We show thinkers why feeling is essential.
We show feelers how to think more robustly.
And for those who aren’t sure,
if they’re a thinker or a feeler
we show them how to choose!
And we empower people to be open,
true & free and to make solid and congruent decisions
that feel good for themselves and others.
In all cases
Connecting an individual’s thinking and feeling
leads to deeper connection with self
higher levels of emotional intelligence…
More happiness
and more success.
If you know us at all
you’ll know that we do all of this
in a logically robust way
that feels surprisingly good!
This season,
join us for our Autumn CONNECT event!
Connect with others who value personal growth
or who are at least interested in finding out if they want to value it!
Inspire yourself and others
with a stimulating presentation by Nikk & Yolande
and dynamic conversation
that will give you a safe place
to consider different ideas
some of which will see you
becoming more self-aware
and more deeply connected to yourself,
your work and your life.
This Autumn, join us for lunch
Date: May 18th
Time: 11.45am
Venue: Barn and Co
Address: 238 Myers Road, Balnarring
Inclusions: Glass of wine on arrival and two course lunch!
Cost: $50 per person
Seats are limited so book your seat today to
Looking forward to seeing you there.
With warmth,
Nikk and Yolande