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CLOSE Life’s Gaps
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For over 10 years
InspireTribe founders
Nikk and Yolande Hughes
have helped 1000’s of individuals
to make their personal and professional lives
So what do they know
and what do they continue to teach
that you haven’t heard before?
Most of us know that
in this day and age
our MINDSET has never been MORE critical
where do we get the tools
and how do we implement
what is needed to move us forward?
How do we gather momentum
in both our lives,
and in our business?
We all have gaps in our lives,
this is normal
some gaps are larger than others
but how do we close them
in order to reach our full potential?
How do we recognise and then process
what is needed in order to move the needle
and not only move the needle,
but also make us stand out
from those around us
in order to thrive?
How do we CHANGE our thinking
in order to become more PROFITABLE?
What are the CUES that we need TRIGGERED
in order to know that a shift needs to be made?
How do we ACCELERATE our PERSONAL growth
in order to ACCELERATE our BUSINESS growth?
How can we better UNDERSTAND those around us
so that we live lives and run businesses where everyone
is playing the rules of the same game
and HAPPILY doing so?
How do we do this at InspireTribe
and what’s sets our work
apart from others in our field?
Did you know that
90% of the data
that comes into the brain is visual?
Visual information is processed
60,000 times faster
than another forms of data
entering the brain.
When we are under pressure
our minds are much more easily
able to remember symbols
than any other data we have processed.
We know this is true because even toddlers
known the difference between
a circle and square
(but not letters, and certainly not words or sentences)
from a very young age.
By knowing this information
and focusing on visual cues
all of a sudden
it becomes much easier to understand
how to implement sustainable change.
Change for ourselves,
change for our families
and change for our businesses.
How do we do this?
The EQ Code, that’s how…
The EQ Code is a hyperlogical framework
designed to maximise personal and business growth
and minimise relationship friction.
It incorporates symbols
To facilitate rapid, sustainable learning.
Learning that stays with you
even when you’re under pressure.
Once you know the meaning behind the symbols
you can literally see your issue
and see the solution
in a simple symbolic form.
And from there,
life, relationships and business
just gets a whole lot easier.
The EQ Code is a simple frame for complex humans!
Want to know more…
Secure your spot
to a 90 minute Business Success Summit.
Learn more about the ‘EQ Code’ and how it
can help you to:
- PROFIT through elevated levels of THINKING
- ACCELERATE GROWTH in both your personal and professional life
- build POSITIVE business relationships
- become a MORE ROUNDED business owner
- find CLARITY through better decision making
- just make life a whole lot SIMPLER
You will learn a couple of these simple frameworks and be able implement positive change instantly.
Register to our FREE Business Success Summit
With Warmth,
‘My family life has never been better and I am consistently behaving as the person, manager and friend that I want to be’.
– Matt Ivers, Vision Property and Finance
‘When I realised my hurdles did not exist I was able to make a decision that has meant I’m on track to make well over a million dollars profit in the next three years, that’s on top of the income I was already making.’
– Travis McFarlane
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