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Dealing with waves of feelings

Dealing with waves of feelings

Do you know those moments when your fight, flight or freeze instinct kicks in? That’s when your safety response is triggered. Many things cause a safety trigger. It could be standing on a roof, presenting to the board members at work, or talking to a customer. Even a smell can be a trigger. When we’re…
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Inspire Tribe Mindset Matters Part One - Preview

Why Mindset is CRITICAL for SUCCESS in 2021

Last year was a hard one. Tough for pretty much everyone in different and unique ways. No one could have predicted what 2020 was going to be like not by a long shot! It was certainly an insanely unpredictable year. People were rising and falling but not necessarily for the reasons you’d think…. How people…
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The Mindset Profit Model at the workplace

The Mindset Profit Model at the workplace – InspireTribe

Our mindset determines the ‘profit’ we get out of life both in our personal life and also our careers. Let’s look at why the state of our mindset is important to business and team members alike. So why do some businesses plateau and some evolve at a very rapid rate? Truth be known, the game…
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Learning how to cope with anxiety

Learning how to cope with anxiety

We’re programmed to notice potential safety and hurt issues before noticing feeling happy or loving both in the workplace and at home. It’s a natural response to tune into what’s not going right in our world. If we grow up in a place where there are no tigers or lions, our body doesn’t know that.…
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Valuing your feelings

Valuing your feelings and the lessons they teach you throughout your executive career

In today’s business culture, it’s prized to be logical. We don’t put much emphasis on our feelings, especially in the workplace. When we’re talking with team members, we want to know their thoughts on a topic but we rarely ask how they’re feeling about it. Many of us have been taught to dismiss our emotions…
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Why Does EQ Matter

Why Does EQ Matter in the Business World?

People are the most important resource in an organization, so why does this perhaps cliché statement often take a back seat to raw numbers and financial reporting on a quarterly statement? What is EQ? Emotional intelligence (often simply called EQ) is our individual connections with feelings and emotions, which don’t really factor in GAAP or…
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Design Your Decade

Design Your Decade

Design Your Decade In mid-February of 2020 I sent the following email out to a group of people. Little was I to know what would happen just after I hit the send button…! I think it’s the perfect blog to post at the start of 2021. With the benefit of hindsight, I do hope you…
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Leadership vs Management

Leadership vs Management: What’s the Difference?

Although leadership and management are often terms that are tossed around interchangeably, business leaders, coaches, academics, and human resources professionals have been drawing out distinctions between the two for many decades. So, what’s the difference? In brief, it goes well beyond the scope of this article, but some useful and interesting differences are explained below: …
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executive coaches melbourne

Case Studies – Executives

If you need to see how our mindset mentoring and coaching has worked for others, read on for a few examples of what clients in a similar situation have experienced through working with us. Of course, their stories likely won’t relate to you exactly because everyone’s starting point is different but, it will give you…
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executive coaches melbourne

Case Studies – Individuals

If you need to see how our mindset mentoring and coaching has worked for others, read on for a few examples of what clients in a similar situation have experienced through working with us. Of course, their stories likely won’t relate to you exactly because everyone’s starting point is different but, it will give you…
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